
Nothing can resist me!

Delia Yonce to Jordan Thurlow

Delia Yonce is a character in Always Visible (Another Prayer for the Dying Horror Genre). She is a little girl moved with her family from New York to Portland, where she crossed paths with her new neighbor Jordan Thurlow

Throughout the course of the story, she finds a common language with her new friend, but later many adversities befall her, which ultimately lead to her death. Delia Yonce is the main character of “Que Difícil é Ser Escravo de Deus!” and she plays a major role in “Uma Moldura Quebrada”. She also appears briefly in “Tempo De Construção Novamente”. Delia Yonce never appears in “Qualquer ou Uma Grande Recompensa”, but is often mentioned by other characters.


Delia Yonce is a little girl whose name is an epithem of the Greek goddess Artemis. She has long black hair and eyes of an indeterminate dark color. People around her describe her as thin and pale.

Her wardrobe consists mainly of light dresses, mostly in brown shades, and she also has a walking suit of blue pants and a suede jacket. For the festive occasion, she tries on a sundress with an embroidered flower and a white ribbon at the waist. She goes to bed in a white chemise.

Upon arrival in Portland, she behaves relatively boldly and defiantly, but gradually her character becomes calmer, and after the loss of a friend, she completely falls into a depressed state.


Huh, are you afraid? You big crybaby!

—Delia Yonce’s reaction to suspicion of lying

As a small child, she does not tolerate lies and tells others what she thinks of them, although after communicating with Jordan Thurlow, she gradually learns to control her emotions, so much so that some characters take her words as lies, which is especially evident after her mother’s suicide .

She is noted for her love of books, mainly because, as she puts it, “she has played with toys a lot in her eight years.” Gives preference to scientific literature (within age limits), and with all his heart hates esotericism and the occult.

Like her entire family, Delia Yonce professes the Lutheran religion, but her attitude towards this is ambiguous – on the one hand, she goes to church and says a prayer before meals, but at the same time she takes liberties in front of the clergy, at least after breaking up with Jordan Thurlow. Also, after reading the book “Hard to be A God”, she believes that there is nothing wrong with imagining God as he was described in this fantasy work, which makes one believe that she is only pretending to be devout because of her environment

Among her peers, she has a fair character, and although she is not a bully, when she sees injustice, she gives a lesson to the bullies, which is why, as a rule, no one bothers her. At the same time, she has indecisive character traits, which manifest themselves in her when she falls in love with her classmate. Delia Yonce does not dare to confess her feelings to him, which is why her lover, taking advantage of this, allows himself to play pranks on the girl. to which she never answers.

After the loss of her adult friend, Delia Yonce finds no place for herself and constantly thinks about Jordan Thurlow, while not forgetting to ask others questions regarding his fate and what she should do in this situation. It is noted that she is in good health, at least she can run quickly and sit on the window at night in just a nightgown, although at the same time she becomes exhausted when raised to the fourth floor and her health deteriorates when she is taken to the police department, although the latter is more likely associated with experiences.


Delia Yonce was conceived in early August 1980 in a some sanatorium in Verona, where her parents met by chance for their own reasons. Following her birth on May 20, 1981, her parents married, after which she and her family lived in her father’s apartment in New York until her eighth birthday, when her family moved to Portland, Oregon for undisclosed reasons.

Upon arrival in Portland, she first makes acquaintances at a local school, after which she introduces herself to her new neighbor, Jordan Thurlow, because he has a dog. When the man refuses to let her in, Delia Yonce begs her parents to give her consent, after which she and her mother become frequent guests at Jordan Thurlow’s house.

A month after they met, she visits Jordan’s friend’s apartment, which coincides with her getting her period. Her suspicious parents decide that their daughter was abused, which lands Jordan Thurlow in prison for 18 years, which has a very bad effect on Delia Yonce herself, as she is tormented by longing for her adult friend.

Two years later, her father meets with an accident, which her mother finds out about, who at the same moment commits suicide in front of her little daughter. The police arriving at the scene take the orphaned Delia Yonce to the police department until the circumstances are clarified, where the girl is experiencing her period, which is why she is sent to the Randall Children’s Hospital, where the gynecologist decides that little girl needs surgical intervention. The next day Delia Yonce dies in a hospital bed, after which some time later she is buried in a River View Cemetery.


  • “Mommy, why do you keep lying to me? About ajussi Jo?”
  • “Reverend Wyllys, I dread to think, but sometimes it seems to me that adults are hiding something from me.”
  • “Reverend Wyllys, I’m living in constant fear, that something bad happened to this person. What should I do?”
  • “I believe, that a human does not benefit from some sort of a pebbles.”
  • “Something so interesting, and better with morals!”
  • “Every name must have a meaning! For instance, my mother called me a Greek word, which means “always visible”!”
  • All right, stop it! I did not come to visit ajussi Japh in order to listen to such controversies!”
  • “To tell the truth, mother also has the same mood swings – then it seems to her that everything is against her, and the next second she is imbued with a great love for the world.”
  • “So auld Jaeger is fabled! What’s wrong with laughing at the death of a fictional character?”
  • “Ajussi Jo, you forgot it was a fairy tale! It doesn’t have to be realistic!”
  • “You’ll be telling me, that the parents has no need of genius or thinkers, they need witless implementers!”
  • “No! I will not allow you to be captured! I’d rather die right here than hand you over to them!”
  • “Yes. Mommy took daddy’s gun and told me not to cry when she will ascend unto heaven.”
  • “I only have dad and mom.”
  • “My dad thinks so too. We never had animals at home, although I asked him…”
  • Am I lying? Oh, you’re a cad!”
  • “Books! I’ve already played enough in my eight years.”


  • Delia Yonce is directly based on Delia York from “Omen IV: The Awakening”, played by Asia Vieira. She even has the same lines as in the original source.
  • She is not an adopted daughter, but instead is her family’s natural daughter.
  • Her uterine disease is described as a kind of cancer, which was probably the reason for her resistance to childhood diseases.