This page lists tropes of literary work Always Visible (Another Prayer for the Dying Horror Genre) by Russian author Vitaly Ivolginsky, starting with the letter A.

For compiling the list, we bring our thanks to “tv|tropes” website.

Warning: detailed listing and analysis of tropes may partially or completely reveal the plot or other nuances. In addition, their number may be supplemented from time to time.

Denial of responsibility: possible strange language constructs are caused by translation from the author’s native language into English.

List of tropes

  • Non-Action Big Bad: In fact, doctor Baselard appears in the book exactly once, but this does not prevent him from looking to Galbraith like a certain professor Moriarty.
  • Noodle Incident: Pharqraut case with four late persons with Greek names. It unfolds off-screen, and in fact has absolutely nothing to do with the plot (except to be a hint that Delia’s name is also of Greek origin)
  • Posthumous Character: Jordan’s mother, who died five years before the events of the story, is mentioned several times, and Galbraith reads the case of his dead friend, which involved the investigation of four dead people.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Doctor Baselard has a surname similar to one type of dagger. Guess who is person and what he did? That’s right, he was first a surgeon and then a gynecologist, and in both cases described in the work, he kills his patients!
  • “Not So Different” Remark: It is implied that Inspector Galbraith and criminal Jordan Thurlow are essentially not much different from each other, mainly because they both have affection for Delia and consider her an ideal.
  • No Animals Were Harmed: Unlike the film, in “Always Visible”, Delia’s beloved dog was killed by her own father in retaliation for the fact that animal belonged to his daughter’s rapist.
  • No Communities Were Harmed: The story takes place in real Portland locations, and the third act references London’s famous Heathrow Airport.
  • No Name Given: The characters Galbraith, Schaeymoure, Pharqraut and Baselard are never named, only referred to by their last names. The same goes for Delia’s father, no one addresses him differently than mister Yonce.