This page lists tropes of literary work Always Visible (Another Prayer for the Dying Horror Genre) by Russian author Vitaly Ivolginsky, starting with the letter C.

For compiling the list, we bring our thanks to “tv|tropes” website.

Warning: detailed listing and analysis of tropes may partially or completely reveal the plot or other nuances. In addition, their number may be supplemented from time to time.

Denial of responsibility: possible strange language constructs are caused by translation from the author’s native language into English.

List of tropes

  • Children Are Innocent: Delia, unlike her namesake from the film, is presented as a headstrong, but still kind and even vulnerable child.
  • Crazy Cultural Comparison: When Galbraith, who was born in Gloucester but left for Portland as a student, returns to England (though only to the capital), he considers himself too correct in comparison with the English. In addition, the work describes Germans who live in America, while hating it.
  • Can’t Catch Up: This is exactly what Galbraith complains about, who wants to arrest doctor Baselard, but cannot find him in London.
  • Celibate Hero: Inspector Galbraith himself says about himself that he is an ideological bachelor and does not understand life in a family circle.
  • Clueless Deputy: Galbraith, by his admission, was in vain to become a police inspector, and the story only testifies to his incompetence.
  • Cartwright Curse: Both male POV protagonists have problems with women, plus Galbraith’s friend’s phrase is mentioned that not everyone is given the opportunity to leave offspring.
  • Crapsack World: When reading this work, you may get the impression that London is a very terrible place, with disgusting restaurants, hotels and taxi drivers.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Unlike the film, Delia dies, and her death is unexpected even for the characters themselves, especially Galbraith. It’s not surprising, because she simply had her uterus removed…
  • Creepy Cemetery: Jordan and Delia with her mom visit Columbia Pioneer Cemetery.
  • Chaos Architecture : “Makoto Computerization Institute” is located – wherever you think – underground. Moreover, it is a network of winding corridors.
  • Canon Foreigner: It’s pointless for Omen IV: The Awakening fans to look for characters they know in “Always Visible” – even such obvious ones as Delia and Jo were completely changed in relation to their counterparts, and all the other characters are even more irrelevant to the film.
  • Catapult Nightmare: All three POV characters – namely Delia Yonce, Jordan Thurlow and Galbraith – experience this several times during the story.
  • Composite Character: The author of the work mixed up all the details of the film in such a way that it is quite difficult to figure out which character is based on whom. But we can say that Delia’s father in “Always Visible” combines the details of his adoptive and natural fathers from the film incarnation.
  • Contemplate Our Navels: Most of the descriptions in the work concern the daily actions of the characters, which is quite boring to read. Act zero is especially guilty of this, where it is described how Delia warms her food and how she sits on the window.