This page lists tropes of literary work Always Visible (Another Prayer for the Dying Horror Genre) by Russian author Vitaly Ivolginsky, starting with the letter A.

For compiling the list, we bring our thanks to “tv|tropes” website.

Warning: detailed listing and analysis of tropes may partially or completely reveal the plot or other nuances. In addition, their number may be supplemented from time to time.

Denial of responsibility: possible strange language constructs are caused by translation from the author’s native language into English.

List of tropes

  • Villain with Good Publicity: Doctor Baselard. In the sixties, he accidentally kills a woodcutter in Gloucester, but this does not stop him many years later from getting a job at Randall Children’s Hospital. And to make matters worse, when he eventually escapes Portland back to England, the American police see no point in pursuing him.
  • Verbed Title: It’s a stretch, but the name itself is “Always Visible”.
  • Vagueness Is Coming : The very first thing you read is Delia’s nightmare of five men killing an invisible man. This is a foreshadowing of what the story will tell later about her friend Jo, whom society has effectively “made invisible” from her own eyes.
  • Violation of Common Sense: In the third act, Inspector Galbraith receives a phone number from a London taxi driver, but when he calls it, it ends up in his home police department in Portland. This is followed by a scene where he gets into a taxi and travels forward two months in time.