Dear visitors, welcome to our website “Always Visible — Её звали Делия” (!

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First of all, let’s clarify the origin of our website’s name — “Always Visible — Её звали Делия.” This title refers to a literary work by Vitaliy Ivologinsky, which loosely interprets the film “Omen IV: The Awakening.” Now, let’s explain why our website’s domain is not “” (which might seem like a logical choice), but rather “”.
First, let’s consider the origin of the first part of the name — “avlivro”. This combination of “Always Visible”, originates from the epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, where the first letters form “av”, which we combined with “livro” (Portuguese for “book”) to create the unique word “avlivro”.
Next, let’s clarify why our site is hosted on GitHub rather than on its own domain. This decision was made due to the free hosting and ease of updates provided by GitHub Pages. The platform simplifies website management and eliminates the technical complexities associated with server maintenance. Moreover, moving to a unique domain is not necessary, as GitHub, thanks to its ownership by Microsoft, enjoys an excellent reputation and high indexing on the internet. Microsoft, as a leading technology giant, ensures the reliability and high visibility of our site, making GitHub an ideal choice for our project.
It is important to note that these explanations are intended to prevent misunderstandings about the perception of our site’s address. We want our visitors to understand that using GitHub Pages does not imply a less serious approach; on the contrary, it ensures reliability and high visibility thanks to Microsoft’s support. Our site is an international project reflecting the cultural diversity and linguistic aspects of various peoples, making it unique and universal.